Friday, February 12, 2016


Every woman does what is best for their family. Whether that means working part time, full time or staying at home, and no matter your choice, it's whats best for you. And hey, that's great!  A recent image came across one of my social media feeds and it threw me into a blind rage.

This image screams 'BAD MOTHER!' because I choose to work. Or at least that's my interpretation. I've had comments and expectations that once I had children I would scale back or stay home. Nope
I'm going to be honest and say I couldn't be a stay at home mom. I'm not alone in this sentiment either. I've talked with plenty of other hardworking ladies who've tried it and felt the same way.

 It's just not my calling. I adore my baby; the sun rises and sets at home with my precious girl. However, I have always loved working. And I love that I help support my family. Not to say I don't get the occasional day when I wish I hit the lottery (who doesn't?) and could just do as I please; but the reality of that is after about a month I'd be bored. I have a drive that pushes me to do more. I want more, I want to grow, I want to learn. I crave my chaotically organized and creative environment that is my 'work place'. That's something I'll never be sorry for. It's who I am, and it gives me satisfaction to know that I'm setting a good example for my daughter to look up to. Work hard, make your own successes and enjoy your life. 

Don't get me wrong I don't live to work, I work to live. I'm just lucky enough to get satisfaction out of my family time at home and when I'm in my element at work. 

Now, not every Mama feels this way, and they shouldn't. We are different and that's what makes us so fabulous. I'm coining the term Mad Mama's here based on my love of the show Mad Men. Ad exec's who worked round the clock to be on top.*Side note - I would LOVE to have been a combination of Joan & Peggy - THAT'S the ultimate Mad Mama. Truth: there are all different kinds of mothers in this world. Each one of us has a different role at work, in our families and as women in general. Being a Mad Mama means your killing it at YOUR role. Because being a Mama means no matter where you are, you're a Mama around the clock. 

You might be the SAHM who makes your own organic baby food, uses cloth diapers, volunteers for every possible PTA event and never misses a play date while still serving up a hot meal at dinner time. You are a rock star. You might be the SAHM who sells Tastefully Simple or Rodan + Fields products to make some extra income for your family while still balancing your kids busy schedules and managing to get the laundry folded and put away on the regular. Damn girl! 

Perhaps your the Mad Mama who works a few days a week and still makes it to every dance recital or soccer game with snacks for the team. That's balance. Maybe you're the career driven Mama who works those 40+ hours a week, keeps the house clean, and still manages to spend quality time with your kids; so what if you function on vampire status sleep- you are pure amazement. 

I know quite a few Mama's who are killing it because they stay home part time with their Little's while furthering their education, working in the office and keeping their sanity. You deserve wine, lots of wine. 

At the end of the day we all go home, cuddle our babies, start the routine of bath time, laundry, making dinner, enjoying that blessed glass of wine and finally giving in to sleep. You're no better than me, nor am I you. It's called life; and as long as you put in your effort, kept your children alive and didn't kill your spouse in the process, you've got it together. That's being a Mad Mama. You deserve that title... and another glass of wine.  

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