Thursday, July 28, 2016

Best 'Momvestments'

Okay so I've been at the whole Mom thing for a while now, yes I'm still a pup in parenting years but I think I've learned a lot in the last 15 months. In fact here are a couple of the best 'Momvestments' that I would recommend.

1. Amazon Mom 
I don't even think I need to tell you what this is... it's the best $99 investment of my life. We order everything through Amazon - EVERYTHING! So with Amazon Mom we also get Amazon Prime, and Video. Both are lifesavers - free shipping, daily deals and movies at your disposal. In a nutshell we order all of our basic everyday items like diapers, wipes, Aquaphor, non-perishable snacks, cleaning supplies, face wash, deodorant... you name it, it's from Amazon. EVERY MONTH my front porch is laden with Amazon boxes like it's Christmas friggin' morning with all of our daily essentials. Okay from time to time I also order other things after a glass of wine and forget about it until the day it arrives. Don't be like me, don't drink & prime. But seriously why is Amazon Mom amazing? 1. You don't have to go to the store! 2. The prices are cheaper than what I pay in-store, hello savings! 3. Free shipping - enough said. #AmazonMom #Dontdrinkandprime

2. Netflix  

Chock full of kids shows that you can choose for your little one, yes my sweet baby watches cartoons like Daniel Tigers Neighborhood and Little Eintseins (gasp! call child protective services!). This comes in handy when you need those 3 minutes to run to the bathroom or try to get dressed for work. Outside of being a bad                                                               parent by letting my child enjoy the occasional cartoon, this was a lifesaver when I was breastfeeding. All those long nights were often filled with me catching up on Grey's Anatomy or Mad Men so I wouldn't zonk out while feeding the baby. 

3. NoseFrida                                                                          Seriously after battling a couple of colds with our little girl, I don't know what I would've done without this snotsucker. Syringes don't compare at the glory of this thing when it's 3 a.m. and you can't see straight. 
4. A Backpack
I've learned that the adorable and obscenely expensive diaper bag doesn't hold a candle to a backpack. Just a regular backpack - once that baby becomes mobile you need both hands free as much as possible. Sure they make nice diaper bag ones but I opted for a cute polka dot special on Amazon and haven't looked back since. 

5. A Babysitter
Seriously, you need date night. We realized this early on and having date night every other week is a big part of me devoting undivided attention to my marriage. If you don't have famiy or friends to turn to, then try a trusted site like Investing in a trustworthy and reliable sitter even if it's once a month is THE best investment. You love your babies and they love you. But outside of that amazing little bubble, you and your significant other need a little time too. Or sometimes you just need a YOU day. Eat alone in silence, go see a movie, get a massage, read a book... whatever it may be the best investment you can possibly make is investing time for YOU. 

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