Monday, July 20, 2015

Sorry, Not Sorry

Life in general is a balancing act, and throwing a baby in the mix while trying to stay the same person you were at work beforehand, is kind of hard. I still give it my all, but not everyday is my best day. 

A colleague of mine shared some advice with me the other day. We met with a client to go over some campaign results and brain storm some new changes to continue the success. All went well! (As we hoped) and then on the way out the door, we started talking about a couple of other things that hadn't worked out. I was taking some of it a little personally. She looked at me and said "Never apologize. Always regret." It's okay that things didn't work out as planned; you can admit that you too are disappointed. But you cannot take the weight of a 'failure' at work as a personal reflection.

Now this is coming from a woman who fights tooth and nail to do well by her clients. She under promises & over delivers. She is the epitome of a woman kicking ass in a (sadly still) man's world. She once shared a story with me about her first gig in marketing. She had to attend a large conference and her boss at the time told instructed her that she had to wear a skirt. So she said, "I showed up with my pencil skirt. And tucked into it was one of my husbands oxford shirts and ties. I was the only female there and I meant business." 

This is a woman I admire! So when I admit that I feel I've done everything in my power to right a wronged situation at work, she advises "Regret. That is all you can do." And you know what? She's right. It's called business for a reason. You can't take it personal. 

So when I explain to her that I am feeling somewhat off kilter, trying to balance the baby and work (& feel like a human) she gets it. She's been there. After raising her two children and advancing her own career, she knows how I feel. As important as my job is to me, and as much as I enjoy it, the stress of work cannot come home with me. The sun does not rise & set on my career. It revolves around my family. There is a balance and I will find it. 

Even though every woman has a different story, it all comes down to one thing in my opinion. SUPPORT. It's the loving husband that I have, the awesome family & amazing work family that keep me on my A-game. Although I have to admit Redbull helps keep me functioning more like a human and less like a zombie. 

So at the end of the day, I am giving it my best. & If it doesn't pan out the way I hoped, I certainly regret that it didn't. But tomorrow's a NEW day. So sorry, not sorry #ThisChickIsStillGonnaKickAss


  1. Sounds like you have the right attitude and fortitude to accomplish anything you set your heart on. I believe that you will have it all. Look what you have already achieved through hard work and perseverance.

    1. Thank you Aunt Sassy! :) I grew up with some pretty amazing role models
