Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What Really Grinds My Gears

In the words of Peter Griffin, "You know what really grinds my gears?" Well I'm going to tell you. Yes, we all have those wonderful pet peeves.. the list of things we cannot stand. And today is just one of those days where I am going to rant about it.

  • The endless Facebook Party Invitations... to attend yet another Tastefully Simple, Scentsy, Nerium, Tupperware, etc. party. Please just stop. I appreciate that this line of work is what fits your lifestyle. I have hosted one or two for friends. I have even purchased products. But there is only so much scented wax, dip mixes and face ‘gunk’ a gal can take.
  • When you call someone and they don’t answer, but then text you saying ‘Did you call?’ Or better yet, when you miss a call and call that person right back only to have them not answer. #WTF
  • People who are tardy! Better yet people who are ALWAYS late. Get your shit together people.
  • When you hold the door open for someone and they don’t say ‘thank you’. There's a special place for people like you...And for those people who don't say 'excuse me' when they bump into you. 
  • Mom-Shaming or any other kind of shaming. You get a BIG ‘F’ you for that. Mind your own damn business and stop judging people. And might I add, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. #Kindness
  • Bad handshakes. Seriously my biggest pet peeve. Especially in a professional setting. And particularly with females. When I go to shake your hand, don’t give me that wimpy dead fish hand shake. Be confident and shake my damn hand like you mean business. 
  • Lack of respect for the elderly, teachers, police officers, pretty much any authority figure (parents included). You shouldn't have to earn kindness or respect. It should be automatic until you're truly given a reason to stop being kind. 
  • Bad customer service. I don't mean that something went wrong and it's literally not your fault, I mean the people who hate their job lives and are just miserable, so they are rude or disrespectful to you. 
  • Chipped nail polish. All the way on, or all the way off honey! 
  • Those people who take up the entire aisle in the grocery store! I have about 20 minutes to get in and out with this sleeping baby so please move over. 
Okay, end of rant!

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