Thursday, July 16, 2015

The FOURTH Trimester

For some reason everyone tells you about the miracle of pregnancy (liars) & the amazing journey that labor is (more liars). But no one tells you about life after labor. Not just the whole 'adjusting to motherhood' spiel, but the fact that you are not the same person physically or mentally. Why don't they tell us?! So for any other new Mama's out there who maybe weren't warned what you would feel like, here's a short synopsis as I've experienced it thus far.

Your body is nothing like it was pre-pregnancy. Unless you are a celebrity or a freak of nature (either way, I envy you). Losing the weight takes time (duh) but it's not just the weight, everything is different. Your hips are wider (my pants will never fit again), your boobs are huge (&& they hurt a lot). If your like me you have fantastic facial acne! Which only gets worse with breastfeeding because your hormones are all over the damn place. I had my baby this spring so now that we have transitioned into summer I was forced to shop for a new bathing suit as last seasons bikinis were certainly not an option! Talk about a fun experience! I know that my body created a human being (pretty amazing) and that my stretch marks and extra 'cushion' are the result. But that doesn't make it easy to accept all of these changes. It's just one day at a time and slowly fitting back into some pre-pregnancy clothing that makes it easier.

Super Maxi Pads are YOUR BFF. No seriously, you will develop a love of super thick, twin mattress sized pads for the first couple of weeks as you continue to gush blood. Thankfully I had some Mama friends who warned me beforehand and I stocked up early! And the large, unattractive underwear they give you at the hospital are the best things on earth during those first 2 weeks. Stock up sister!

Hormones suck. They just do! Besides the fabulous craters placed upon my face, I am also an emotional train wreck. I thought I was hormonal during pregnancy, nope looking back that was a cake walk. Everything makes me cry or angry. No I am not depressed, I am simply trying to balance the baby, family life, work and feeling like a human in general. It's not easy; and I am not looking for pity because women go through this every day! Kudos to all the Mama's out there making it work!

Guilt. Going back to work makes you feel this incredible sense of guilt. And loving family & friends who say things like "You don't HAVE to go back to work" make you feel even better about yourself. But knowing that you work to provide a good life for your baby, and setting an example of being a strong, successful woman for my daughter, is part of what gets me through the day.

Exhaustion. I wish I had listened to everyone who said to sleep and nap as much as possible during pregnancy. I wish, I wish, I wish. You will never sleep good again. Or at least not for another 20 years or so.

It's getting hot in here. No seriously I think the AC is broken. Oh wait, it's just me. Seriously I am so sweaty and hot all the time. It feels like there is an oven strapped to my damn back. Is this what hot flashes feel like? God bless all the women who suffer through that.

Sex. You want it... BAD and your body hates you at the same time. But with a little patience and a loving partner you will get your groove back. Just remember you are super fertile postpartum & you need to wrap it up. #Enoughsaid.

The BEST thing about the fourth trimester is that sweet baby you get to hold every day. You get to look into those eyes and know that you made this little miracle.

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